Nonprofit Short Films

Posted By: Danielle Dunbar

In a full room bustling with energy, film stars posed, cameras flashed, philanthropists shared tips, short films premiered, and the vibrant crowd celebrated Alabama's nonprofits. If you didn’t attend this year’s first-ever Nonprofit Film Festival, you were missed.

The Alabama Association of Nonprofits exists to champion nonprofit leaders and their organizations. We were excited to create a Film Festival for ten member organizations so that more people across Alabama will also become champions for these organizations.

The National Philanthropic Trust says, “Philanthropy is defined as love for humankind... From the very beginning, civilizations around the world were built with the idea that empathy—caring for and understanding the needs of others—was critical to shared survival and growth.”

We are all philanthropists, whether we give time, talent, or treasure to better our communities. In my opening remarks of the Film Festival, I let participants know that if they shared what they learned about the featured nonprofits, more would be connected to them, more would be served, and more donations would be made—including by giving ourselves first. Our efforts as nonprofit leaders, philanthropists, and good citizens matter. You may have missed the event this year, but you can still enjoy the films and make a difference.


Please go HERE to view this year’s Nonprofit Film Festival honorees. The Alabama Association of Nonprofits hopes you will tell others about them, and we hope to see you next year!