2024 Nonprofit Short Films

Ten nonprofit organizations from across Alabama were featured during the first-ever Nonprofit Film Festival on October 3, 2024. 

AAN held a competitive grants process to select ten community-based nonprofits that have a compelling story and, while small or underfunded, are successful organizations. 83% of Alabama’s nonprofits fall in the “small” category, and those selected worked with Birmingham videographers to create a short film about their mission in action. This goal of this project is to help increase the organization’s funding, increase their size, and help them reach more stakeholders.

Please watch their short films, tell others about them, and make a gift so Alabama's children and their families thrive.

Aum Foundation, Birmingham Corps, Birmingham Education Foundation, College, Choice Foundation, GirlSpring, Khairi and Little Angels’ Memorial, South Baldwin Literacy Council, STREAM Innovations, The Flourish Alabama, and The Red Barn

The Flourish Alabama

Imagine our state without youth programs that provide mentors and build character, equity-centered workforce development, or literacy programs that lift children and adults out of the darkness. Without nonprofits, children and their families would lose real opportunities to thrive, holding our state back. Thanks again for telling your friends and family about these exceptional nonprofits. We hope to spotlight more in 2025!