Sponsor the 2024 Nonprofit Film Festival

The ten promising nonprofits below have been selected as recipients of our Micro-Film Grant Initiative. At the festival we will premiere ten short films that tell the story of their mission in action. We hope they inspire you to join their efforts, spread the word about their efforts, and financially support their work. The film festival is open to community members, nonprofit leaders, foundation staff and trustees, potential donors, the media, elected officials, and AAN members. It will be a great networking opportunity for all. Before premiering the films, participants will hear from Tony Bowen, Executive Director of Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund, Elaine Martyn, who leads the Private Donor Group at Fidelity Charitable, as well as local philanthropy leaders. Stay tuned to learn about our evolving agenda. Festival attendees will enjoy an evening celebrating the invaluable work nonprofits do and connecting with the “film stars.” We will provide good food, beer, and wine and the ability to learn more about our “film stars” at informational booths before and after the event.  

Aum Foundation

Birmingham Corps

Birmingham Education Foundation

College Choice Foundation


Khairi and Little Angels’ Memorial

South Baldwin Literacy Council

STREAM Innovations

The Flourish Alabama

The Red Barn

Why Sponsor the Alabama Nonprofit Film Festival?
Alabama nonprofits generate more than $17 billion annually for our state, hold over $20 billion in assets, and employ approximately 5.1% of Alabamians.  More importantly, nonprofits provide fundamental services that are key to the physical and mental health of millions of residents. As an ANFF sponsor, you are investing in nonprofits across the state and positively impacting the vital work they do. Imagine our state without affordable health clinics, youth programs that provide mentors and build character, or literacy programs that lift children and adults out of the darkness.

As well as benefiting all AAN member organizations, your sponsorship helps us widen the scope of who sees and understands the mission and impact of this year’s ten “film stars.” You will directly help these organizations become more sustainable, while also helping bring awareness to the efforts of all Alabama nonprofits.

Sponsorship benefits to your business include:

  • Awareness among 150 nonprofit professionals from CEOs to senior staff to board members to foundation leaders attending the event.
  • Exclusive networking at the Film Festival with the media, elected officials, and nonprofit leaders.
  • Opportunity and recognition as a leader in empowering individuals, families, corporations, foundations, and nonprofit organizations to improve health, education, social services, economic development, and quality of life in Alabama.
  • Elevating the impact and development of underinvested organizations so they will improve outcomes for more Alabamians.
  • Leverage more funding for the highlighted nonprofits through new donors who attend the event.


  • 513 AAN member nonprofit organizations and their CEOs, staff members, and board members
  • 3.2K followers on Facebook
  • 2.8K followers on LinkedIn
  • Highly educated professionals, young to mature, who lead nonprofit organizations or follow their impact.

To make a sponsorship commitment or discuss a custom sponsorship, please contact Danielle Dunbar, Executive Director at danielle@alabamanonprofits.org. Nonprofit organizations receive special pricing on select sponsor levels. 

Title Sponsor  
Filled – Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund
Marketing + Festival Access

  • Official Naming of Event: AAN Fidelity Nonprofit Film Festival
  • Personalized introduction at beginning of event and brief opportunity for company representative to speak
  • All benefits included below in orange* (logo scaled by level)
  • 25 Tickets to film festival
  • 2 drink tickets per film festival ticket
  • Priority seating

Presenting Sponsor
Marketing + Festival Access

  • All benefits included below in orange* (logo scaled by level)
  • Logo on podium banner at event (*for 3 Presenting Sponsors only)
  • Opportunity to present 1 of the 3 groups of films/organizations at event
  • 10 Tickets to film festival
  • 2 drink tickets per film festival ticket
  • Priority seating

Nonprofit Partner
Marketing + Festival Access

  • All benefits listed below in orange* (logo scaled by level)
  • Logo on website, hyperlinked to sponsor
  • 8 Tickets to film festival
  • Priority seating

Friend of the Festival
Marketing + Festival Access

  • Logo on Sponsor Slide at event (scaled by level)
  • Logo on “Thank You Sponsors” banner at event (scaled by level)
  • Logo/ad on Sponsor Page of 2024 Film Festival Program (scaled by level)
  • Logo with hyperlink on all e-blasts and eNewsletters (scaled by level)
  • Your swag included in branded swag bag
  • Listing in sponsor press release
  • Logo on Save-the-Date advertisement (social media and email)
  • Abundant social media marketing
  • 6 Tickets to film festival
  • Priority seating

Marketing + Festival Access

  • Name on Sponsor Slide at event (scaled by level)
  • Name on “Thank You Sponsors” banner at event (scaled by level)
  • Name on Sponsor Page of 2024 Film Festival Program (scaled by level)
  • Name on all e-blasts and eNewsletters (scaled by level)
  • Your swag included in branded swag bag
  • Listing in sponsor press release
  • 2 Tickets to film festival

To make a sponsorship commitment or discuss a custom sponsorship, please contact Danielle Dunbar, Executive Director at danielle@alabamanonprofits.org. Nonprofit organizations receive special pricing on select sponsor levels.